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Wilheimina Long, author, is available for Special Events, Conferences, Anniversaries, Teacher Workshops, School Fairs, Community Fairs, Bookstore Signings, Venue Book Signings, Churches, and School Visits, to name a few. Please contact us or Book Now for your upcoming event. Let us know if you know of opportunities to showcase "The Story of Ray the Buffalo" children's book.  We look forward to partnering with you.


Below are past events with Ray the Buffalo and Friends.

The Real Estate Group 3rd Annual "Movies With Santa" 2016

Was a vendor selling and autographing books. Also gave away a book package in a free raffle to 2 children. The Real Estate Group brought together clients, friends, and family for this special holiday event that benefited EDMARC Hospice for Children based in Portsmouth, VA - the oldest hospice program for children in the United States. The event was held at the Regal Columbus Cinemas in in Virginia Beach, VA. Over 2000 participated.

The holiday event benefited EDMARC Hospice for Children

Denver Public Schools Library Services - Library Expo 2016

The "Make Your Space" theme captures DPS' focus on personalized learning which included student agency, makerspaces, and inquiries. Teachers and librarians purchased copies of the book and activity book for their classrooms and libraries. DPS teacher-librarians, library paraprofessionals, reading specialists, and teachers attended, along with other districts.

Was a vendor selling books to DPS - "Make Your Space" theme

Suffolk Local Authors Expo 2016

The Suffolk Library at Bennett's Creek in Suffolk,VA showcased local authors to help give them exposure. Wilheimina Long was invited to sell and sign her book, "The Story of Ray the Buffalo".

Presented as a local children's book author

10th Annual Raising the Bar Conference 2016

Book signing and sale to education community attending the conference. Event held at Greenbrier Elementary School.

A salute to educators

Pennsylvania Buffalo Soldiers Extravaganza 2016

Ray the Buffalo & Friends sold and signed books at the conference held in Quakertown, PA. We also sold book packages that included a buffalo stuffed animal.


Vendor at annual conference

International Children's Festival 2016

Ray the Buffalo & Friends shared a booth with WHRO where it sold and signed books at the International Children's Festival held in Norfolk, VA. We also gave out activity book sheets and crayons, bookmarks and stickers to the children.

In partnership with WHRO in giving a book to children from their bookmobile

Kid's Fundango Festival 2014 and 2016

Book signing and sale. Event was held at Virginia Beach Sportsplex.

Event helps to stop child abuse and awareness

Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe Annual Green Corn Festival 2015

As a vendor for the festival, Wilheimina did a book signing and sale of "The Story of Ray the Buffalo". She also gave away activity book coloring pages, along with bookmarks and stickers, and sold buffalo and eagle stuffed animals along with the book. The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe is located in  Southampton County, VA. For more info about the tribe, visit

Native American Drums, Songs, Dancers in Regalia, Native Food, Arts & Craft Vendors

NSPDK 92nd Anniversary Conclave 2015

Vendor in selling book at the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. (NSPDK) 92nd Anniversary Conclave. NSPDK is a professional organization of women in the field of education. For more information about NSPDK, visit their website at

Vendor at NSPDK Conclave held in Winston-Salem, NC

Taste of Suffolk Downtown Street Festival 2015

Vendor in selling book and book signing for the one day festival. We gave away bookmarks, stickers, and activity book sheets to the children. Over 7,000 annual visitors discover this unique street festival where there were savory tastes and sweet treats from the best citywide restaurants and eateries, specialty vendors, fun contests, varied children’s activities and a vehicle exhibition.



Festival features food from the best citywide restaurants and eateries

Ray the Buffalo invited to Capitol Hill 2014

The Wildlife Conservation Society hosted its annual National Bison Day reception in celebration of the country’s largest land mammal at the Dirksen Senate Office Building.  Ray the Buffalo children's book project was invited to appear. For more information about National Bison Day, please visit

In celebration of National Bison Day!

8th Annual Raising the Bar Conference 2014

Book signing and sale to education community attending the conference. Event held at Greenbrier Elementary School.

A salute to educators

NSPDK Eastern Region Conference 2013

FEATURED AUTHOR at the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. (NSPDK) Eastern Region Conference at their Literacy Luncheon. BOOK SIGNING at Vendor Mart. NSPDK is a professional organization of women in the field of education. For more information about the event, please visit RAY's Blog. For more information about NSPDK, visit their website at

Sorors host Literary Luncheon in Norfolk, VA

Girls Scouts Book Reading 2013

SaVanna's mom, Antenette reads "The Story of Ray the Buffalo" to Girls Scouts at local library in Woodbridge, Virginia.

Antenette reads book to Girls Scouts


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